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» Three is a magic number Brian Farrey Books

Three is a magic number

When I started writing, I never imagined doing a series.  Some writers may dream about creating a long list of books set in the same world. Some may decide that’s ALL they want to do.  It never actually occurred to me that I’d want to do that.

But then, shazam, I found myself writing a middle grade series. I kinda had fun. It was a learning experience, I’ll tell you that. Ups and downs, highs and lows. Lots of things I’d do differently next time (if indeed there is a next time). Through it all, I told myself I wanted to have a series that I enjoyed and that others would enjoy too. I hope that’s the case with the Grimjinx books. (I mean, I know I’VE enjoyed them. I hope others have too.)

This fall sees the release of the final book in the series. It’s been oddly bittersweet, putting the final touches on the manuscript for book three. Hands down, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write (for a number of reasons).  But I like what I came up with in the end.  The “Wow, it’s almost over” fever hit when I got the final cover for the third book in my inbox. The release is still several months off and there will still be signings and talks and things to do once it’s out. But seeing the cover hit me in a way I wasn’t expecting.

I will miss these characters (especially the ones who die at the end…oh, wait, did I say too much?). Writers often get asked if they write their own traits into their characters. With this series, I think the opposite happened. I think I started taking on some of Jaxter’s qualities. And I’m OK with that. He’s a good kid. If you get past the whole thievery thing.

So I’m here to reveal the cover for the third book in the series. Behold: THE GRIMJINX REBELLION!

GrimjinxRebellion hc c

Once again, Brett Helquist demonstrates why he is THE MAN. It’s our first look at Jaxter’s sister, Aubrin, who plays a significant role in this book. As the title suggests, Jaxter and his family find themselves in the heart of a revolution…that they more or less instigated.  There will be fire. There will be monsters. There will be casualties.

Look for it in October.

(PS–Apologies if I lured you here under the pretense of that “terrible article” about YA. But, really, what are you doing clicking on things like that anyway?)

Published in: on February 14, 2014 at 5:37 am  Comments (2)  


  1. I clicked on this links on the pretense that there were HOLY BUCKETS.

  2. DENIED!

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