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» 2011 » April » 25 Brian Farrey Books

Hey, ya wanna hear a good one?

First of all, I want to thank everyone who hasn’t berated me for not exactly sticking to my Blog Manifesto mandate of blogging every Monday. (Those who’ve berated me? A pox on you.) I try. I really do.  But, in the words of the immortal Trekkie Monster: “Me busy.”

So, it will probably come as no small source of amusement to learn that, despite my inability to keep what should be a fairly moderate schedule, I’ve joined another blog, in addition to my activities here. The redoubtable Holly Schindler used her wiles and influence (AKA, she put me in a headlock and gave me the Noogie of Death) to get me to join Smack Dab in the Middle, a blog written by a diverse collection of middle grade authors.  Never mind that my first middle grade book won’t even by out until late 2012.  I’m diving in now and making my presence known there.  Holly won me over with the promise that I would only HAVE to blog once a month–on the 25th. I figured that would be doable.

I didn’t mention that I’d completely failed to even do ONE post during the entire month of February.  You know, just shortly after issuing the Blog Manifesto.

If nothing else, ya gotta stick around to watch me self destruct while I try to juggle what, in all reality, should be a completely manageable blogging schedule, yet I’ll find a way to change it into an earth-shattering cataclysm.  I am here, if nothing, to entertain.

My first post is up today.  We were asked to blog about why we write middle grade.  All the good answers were taken so I chose an unusual course: blunt honesty.

To be clear, I’m not giving up this blog. I will continue to blog here EVERY MONDAY (go ahead: laugh).  I will talk about the imminent release of my debut YA novel, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU (in stores just shy of one month from now).  I will talk about work on my middle grade series.  And I will talk about whatever else pops into my somewhat demented mind.

Lucky, lucky you.

Published in: on April 25, 2011 at 10:36 am  Comments Off on Hey, ya wanna hear a good one?