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» 2011 » April » 04 Brian Farrey Books

And so it begins….

My debut novel, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU, is out next month. May 24, to be precise.  A bit earlier than I’d anticipated. Yay for being out early but AAHHH! now must think promotion sooner than I’d planned.

But, thankfully, the internet works in mysterious ways. (Or rather, I’m learning I have very cool writer friends who hook me up with very cool websites.)  See my first official GUEST BLOG POST over at Gay YA where I talk about resonating with readers and one YA book in particular that did so with me.

I guess I consider this the official kick-off to my WOWY (ain’t that a great acronym?) media blitz. Other promotional plans (a blog tour, for example) are in the works AND a contest.  In fact, TWO contests!  Details forthcoming in early May.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go avoid spoilers for the upcoming series of DOCTOR WHO, which premieres three terribly long weeks away on April 23. (Seriously, if the anticipation doesn’t do me in, fighting off the temptation to read spoilers will.)

Published in: on April 4, 2011 at 6:49 pm  Comments Off on And so it begins….